Information about the DIY plastic cards

Whether you choose to DIY the customer cards, ID-cards, gift cards, chip cards, magnetic stripe cards, or the RFID-cards, you may request plastic cards from your suppliers and you can print them by yourself alone.

The plastic cards can be produced, encode and can be personalized concerning the imagination you can use for these plastic cards in every application that you want. The plastic cards are made from various materials, different printing technologies and the finishing enables the variety of uses for the plastic cards. With the support of ideas you can take from the website available, you are sure that you can locate the topmost important kinds of plastic cards such as magnetic stripe cards, chip cards, RFID cards, hybrid cards and barcode cards.


The plastic cards can be refined. With the hot embossing or Hotstamp, the different structures and varnishes can be attained with great effects and feeling. The Hotstamp is being punched out of the metallic foil like the stamp and be applied with the pre-printed maps. Usually, plastic cards with the gold or silver hotstamp are for the customers. Principally, the wide arrays of film and colors kinds are possible. You may use the spot varnish or UV paint to identify the details of the card. This is being selectively applied to the parts of the layouts, such as lettering or logos, in order to stress them in the target way. Holograms may also place the nice eye-catcher over your map. The colored card edges will also accentuate the plastic cards.

How and from what material are these plastic cards made of?

The plastic card blanks usually consist of several white and exceptionally thin PVC layers with the two final high glossy laminates. In the normal format (CR-80-format) the card measures 0.76 mm thick and with 86 x 54 mm. with rounded edges. The thin plastic cards are accessible with the thicknesses of 0.3 mm, 0.5 mm, and 0.1 mm. With the proper card printers, you can process the cards by yourself alone. Moreover, there are versatile repertoire, offering that the preferred card thickness and the alternative and sustainable supplies than the classic PVC, like the recycle-PVC, Bio-PVC, PS, PET-G, wood and paper cards that are made of metal.

What technologies will the plastic cards may be equipped with?

The plastic cards are indomitable as these are technology carriers. The high-class chip card with the different chip types are being produced such as contactless chip cards and the contact chip cards.
The Contactless Chip Card is also known as the RFID cards or the transponder. There are magnetic stripe cards that have been offered with the different kinds of magnetic stripes that vary in between the HiCo and LoCo magnetic stripes. Both of the magnetic stripe cards and the chip cards are being listed printed or blank in their assortment. Furthermore, with the card printers you may be able to encode and to print magnetic stripe cards and chip cards by yourself. The data carriers will work only with the proper reader.

Related post:
Rules for designing a DIY business card


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