Badge Reels

1. Round Badge Reel - Don't allow any mistaken identities by this round type of badge reel!

2. Square Badge Reel – Grant access to the newest marketing campaign with an assistance of this square badge reel!

--This TWO KINDS of BADGE REEL are very important for security and organization which best use in clinics, hospital, public events, trade shows and large companies. The convenient way of holding the employee event pass, ID cards and the badges are made with high standard spring quality of stainless steel and durable materials. The standard decals printed four color procedures on white, metallic or clear backgrounds with the high gloss lamination that is for customization.

3. Customize Badge Reel – Bring the brand to life by using a custom badge reel. This is an essential to security and organization, and this is so ideal for use in the hospital, clinics, large companies, public events, and even at trade shows. Customize it through an exclusive four color procedure method printed straight on plastics with the high gloss finishes on laminated badges. This is the convenient way to secure the event pass or employee ID cards, and the badge is made of durable materials with the spring quality of high standard stainless steel. Have the brand be center and front with the imprint of the company name and the logo and create that great lasting first impression!

4. Metallic Badge Reel – The brand will off your brand the stylish and classic metallic badge reel! This metallic look finished adding an upscale appearance to this practical stuff that features the clear vinyl strap, the 36" cord with the anti-twist traits and the handy swivel alligator clip. This clip at the back locks the badge holder into the employees' clothing in a necessary angle, whether being attached to the pocket, collar, or a waistband. Next time that you are prepared to swipe the employee event badge or IDs, it will be seized by this helpful item with the large body, leaving numerous of room for the company name or the logo!

5. Large Rectangle Badge Reel – By using this large rectangular badge reel, you can give one more new look at the brand logo. You can capitalize on a large body, which tenders many advertising spaces. With the cord length and an anti-twist feature, this gives to readily attain and swipe the access pass or plastic cards with no snag at all. A swivel alligator clip will help in securing a holder on the employees' clothing in a perfect right angle for the clothing, whether being attached to the collar, waistband or pockets. With imprints of the logo, you can select this as your giveaways for your upcoming trade shows or for the new employee orientation in your company.

6. White Retractable Badge Reel
7. Red Retractable Badge Reel
8. Black Retractable Badge Reel
9. Blue Retractable Badge Reel

--All of these FOUR KINDS of BADGE REELS has the cord extension of the same size. It is printed with a color direct imprint that you will be certain to reel in various new clients!

Einst Urown, Badge Holders with Different Shapes, 2019


  1. Great post! Thanks for sharing very powerful post.
    Badges Printing

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