1. EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN "EMT" BADGE BUDDIES – these are available in vertical and horizontal badge buddies and are the bests to display instant role identification inside the busy hospital environment. These red "EMT" Badge Buddies for the paramedics with the red border allows both the staffs and patients to rapidly decode the hospital ID badges so they will exactly know the role without examining a Photo ID closely. This badge buddy is printed on either side of a card so the text can be seen when the ID flipped around.

2. "OPTOMETRIST" BADGE BUDDIES – the badge buddy is ideal in displaying instant role recognition in the busy office, hospital, or any form of working environment. This badge buddy permits the patients and staffs to rapidly decode you’re the ID badge so that it will know exactly the roles of employees without examining an ID closely. The badge buddies imprint on mutual sides of a card so the text can be seen when the ID has flipped around. This is available in both horizontal and vertical orientation.

3. "THERAPEUTIC OPTOMETRIST" BADGE BUDDIES – these badge buddies are perfect to instantly display role recognition in a busy office, hospital, or other working environment. The badge buddy allows mutually the patients and the staffs to immediately decode the ID badges so the roles can be known immediately without examining an ID closely. These badge buddies are accessible in both vertical and horizontal format and are imprinted on either side of a card so the text will be seen even when the ID flips around.

--All of these THREE badges are totally laminated badge buddies and considered as the toughest in this industry and is being worn beneath the present existing ID Badge.

4. MEDICAL ASSISTANT BADGE BUDDY IN VERTICAL ORIENTATION – the badge buddy with the large text and the solid red borders are the rapid means of identifying the medical assistants in the busy hospital settings. The badge buddies imprint on either both sides of a card so the text can be seen, even when the ID swings around.

5. PARAMEDIC BADGE BUDDY IN HORIZONTAL ORIENTATION – the badge buddy is a perfect companion to the standard photo ID for the instant role recognition. It can be worn on below the present ID badges and the people can be able to identify instantly your roles. The badge buddy has imprinted on the front and the back so you can easily identify as when the badge holder face the other side.

6. PARAMEDIC BADGE BUDDY IN VERTICAL ORIENTATION – this badge buddy is a perfect companion to the standard photo ID during the instant role recognition. Just simply wear the badge identifier below an existing badge and the people will see instantly and identify your position when in the busy field of medical facilities. The badge buddy has imprinted on the front and the back so it can be identified easily when the badge holder faces the other side.

--All of these THREE badges have slot punches above which permits you to loop mutually your slot punch ID cards and badge buddy to a similar holder, so that no modifications are needed. When the Id is being used in the badge holder, there are two strap badge clips that are made available for you!


Einst Urown, Different Orientation of Badge Buddies in Blue, 2018
Kleertech, 2017, Papre Badge Inserts, Access 2018


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